Initial Phone Contact

I generally spend 10 to 15 minutes with you seeking to understand problems you would like to address in therapy, and whether my experience might match your needs. If I feel another professional in the community might be a better match, I will provide you with the appropriate referrals.

Your First Session

I will provide you with a consent form for treatment and a contact information sheet, as well as some questionnaires that will help me to get to know you better. We will review your specific reasons for coming to therapy. We will also discuss how this fits into your general life and background, and any related difficulties you may have experienced in the past.

Fees and Billing

My fees vary depending on type and length of session. I bill on a monthly basis, and my patients pay my bill directly. The invoice I provide you with contains any information you might need if you are eligible to receive third party reimbursement. I am not on any insurance panels, but would be happy to assist you in completing necessary forms to facilitate reimbursement to you from your insurer.


Parking is available on California Avenue, in parking lots off of Sherman Avenue (one block south of California Avenue) and on Cambridge Avenue (one block north of California Avenue). Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your session in order to comfortably find parking. There is a Cal Train stop on California Avenue within walking distance of my office.