I have been treating patients in psychotherapy for 22 years. My craft is given greater depth by training other therapists, research and teaching. Click here for a link to my professional publications.

Training Role

Clinical supervisor to Stanford Medical School Psychiatry and Psychology Fellows who are providing psychotherapy to diverse clinical populations

Past clinical supervisor to Stanford Psychology Interns treating patients with drug and alcohol issues

Clinical consultant to community Psychologists treating individuals with complicated eating disorder issues


Therapist and researcher on a number of NIMH funded clinical studies related to eating disorders.  These studies have sought to improve our understanding of how to best help people to eat a wide range of foods without feeling guilty or fearing weight gain, to feel more comfortable with their bodies, and to expand their sense of self-worth and identity beyond their weight and shape. This research has strongly informed my understanding of how to most efficiently and effectively help to alleviate my patients’ suffering.


Invited lecturer at the VA Medical Center Palo Alto, UCSF, and Stanford Medical School to train medical personnel (nurses, physicians assistants) in cognitive behavioral therapy and the treatment of eating disorders

Clinical Instructor at the Stanford/Palo Alto University Consortium teaching graduate students in Psychology the Foundations of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Treatment of Eating Disorders